.. _services: .. include:: references.rst =========== Services =========== This section describes :term:`Service` and underlying :term:`Resource` elements packaged with `Magpie`, as well as their respective functionalities and intended procedural behavior. Basic Service and Resource details ------------------------------------ Each :term:`Service` is a specialization of a :term:`Resource` (see: :class:`magpie.models.Service` implementation). Therefore, they can be listed and searched for either using ``/services`` API routes (using ``service_name``) or using ``/resources`` API routes (with their attributed ``resource_id``), whichever is more convenient for the required needs. On top of any :term:`Resource`'s metadata, a :term:`Service` provide specific information about its location, its remote synchronization method (if any), any its exposed endpoint. Another important detail about the :term:`Service` is its type. This will not only dictate its purpose, but also define the whole schema of allowed :term:`Resource` under it (if any), as well as every one of their :ref:`Allowed Permissions`. The final distinction between a :term:`Service` and generic :term:`Resource` is their position in the hierarchy. Only :term:`Service`-specialized :term:`Resource` (literally ``resource_type = "service"``) are allowed to be placed at the top of the tree hierarchy. All generic :term:`Resource` nodes must be nested under some root :term:`Service`. Relative references are indicated using ``parent_id`` and ``root_service_id`` in corresponding :term:`Resource` details. Available Services ------------------- .. todo: listing and explanation/features of every available service types, their 'effective permission' resolution, etc. https://github.com/Ouranosinc/Magpie/issues/332 .. seealso:: - :py:mod:`magpie.services` .. todo: dynamic custom service definition https://github.com/Ouranosinc/Magpie/issues/149 .. todo: even if not implementing above, could be good to document fields or ServiceInterface for future reference Service Synchronization ------------------------ .. todo: resource auto-sync feature for a given service and cron configuration setup for it .. seealso:: Utility ``magpie_sync_resources`` in `Magpie CLI Helpers`_ is also available to manually launch a :term:`Resource` synchronization operation for supporting :term:`Service`-types.