Source code for

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import abc
import six
from beaker.cache import cache_region, cache_regions, region_invalidate
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPInternalServerError, HTTPNotImplemented
from ziggurat_foundations.permissions import permission_to_pyramid_acls
from import GroupService
from import ResourceService
from import UserService

from magpie import models
from magpie.api import exception as ax
from magpie.constants import get_constant
from magpie.owsrequest import ows_parser_factory
from magpie.permissions import (

    # pylint: disable=W0611,unused-import
    from typing import Collection, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union

    from pyramid.request import Request
    from ziggurat_foundations.permissions import PermissionTuple  # noqa

    from magpie.typedefs import AccessControlListType, ConfigDict, ServiceOrResourceType, Str

[docs]class ServiceMeta(type): @property
[docs] def resource_types(cls): # type: (Type[ServiceInterface]) -> List[models.Resource] """ Allowed resources type classes under the service. """ return list(cls.resource_types_permissions)
[docs] def resource_type_names(cls): # type: (Type[ServiceInterface]) -> List[Str] """ Allowed resources type names under the service. """ # pylint: disable=E1133 # is iterable but detected as not like one return [res.resource_type_name for res in cls.resource_types]
[docs] def child_resource_allowed(cls): # type: (Type[ServiceInterface]) -> bool return len(cls.resource_types) > 0
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(ServiceMeta) class ServiceInterface(object): # required service type identifier (unique)
[docs] service_type = None # type: Str
# required request parameters for the service
[docs] params_expected = [] # type: List[Str]
# global permissions allowed for the service (top-level resource)
[docs] permissions = [] # type: List[Permission]
# dict of list for each corresponding allowed resource permissions (children resources)
[docs] resource_types_permissions = {} # type: Dict[models.Resource, List[Permission]]
def __init__(self, service, request): # type: (models.Service, Request) -> None self.service = service # type: models.Service self.request = request # type: Request @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def permission_requested(self): # type: () -> Optional[Union[Permission, Collection[Permission]]] """ Defines how to interpret the incoming request into :class:`Permission` definitions for the given service. Each service must implement its own definition. The method must specifically define how to convert generic request path, query, etc. elements into permissions that match the service and its children resources. If ``None`` is returned, the :term:`ACL` will effectively be resolved to denied access. Otherwise, one or more returned :class:`Permission` will indicate which permissions should be looked for to resolve the :term:`ACL` of the authenticated user and its groups. """ raise NotImplementedError("missing implementation of request permission converter")
[docs] def resource_requested(self): # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[ServiceOrResourceType, bool]] """ Defines how to interpret the incoming request into the targeted :class:`model.Resource` for the given service. Each service must implement its own definition. The expected return value must be either of the following:: - (target-resource, True) when the exact resource is found - (parent-resource, False) when any parent of the resource is found - None when invalid request or not found resource The `parent-resource` indicates the *closest* higher-level resource in the hierarchy that would nest the otherwise desired `target-resource`. The idea behind this is that `Magpie` will be able to resolve the effective recursive permission even if not all corresponding resources were explicitly defined in the database. For example, if the request *would* be interpreted with the following hierarchy after service-specific resolution:: ServiceA Resource1 <== closest *existing* parent resource [Resource2] <== target (according to service/request resolution), but not existing in database A permission defined as Allow/Recursive on ``Resource1`` should normally allow access to ``Resource2``. If ``Resource2`` is not present in the database though, it cannot be looked for, and the corresponding ACL cannot be generated. Because the (real) protected service using `Magpie` can have a large and dynamic hierarchy, it is not convenient to enforce perpetual sync between it and its resource representation in `Magpie`. Using the ``(parent-resource, False)`` will allow resolution of permission from the closest available parent. .. note:: In case of `parent-resource` returned, only `recursive`-scoped permissions will be considered, since the missing `target-resource` is the only one that should be checked for `match`-scoped permissions. For this reason, the service-specific implementation should preferably return the explicit `target` resource whenever possible. If the returned resource is ``None``, the ACL will effectively be resolved to denied access. This can be used to indicate failure to retrieve the expected resource or that corresponding resource does not exist. Otherwise, this method implementation should convert any request path, query parameters, etc. into an existing resource. :returns: tuple of reference resource (target/parent), and enabled status of match permissions (True/False) """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def user_requested(self): user = self.request.user if not user: anonymous = get_constant("MAGPIE_ANONYMOUS_USER", self.request) user = UserService.by_user_name(anonymous, db_session=self.request.db) if user is None: raise RuntimeError("No Anonymous user in the database") return user
[docs] def __acl__(self): # type: () -> AccessControlListType """ Access Control List (:term:`ACL`) formed of :term:`ACE` defining combinations rules to grant or refuse access. Each :term:`ACE` is defined as ``(outcome, user/group, permission)`` tuples. Called by the configured Pyramid :class:`pyramid.authorization.ACLAuthorizationPolicy`. Caching is automatically handled according to configured application settings and whether the specific ACL combination being requested was already processed recently. """ if "acl" not in cache_regions: cache_regions["acl"] = {"enabled": False} user_id = None if self.request.user is None else cache_keys = (self.request.method, self.request.path_qs, user_id) if self.request.headers.get("Cache-Control") == "no-cache": region_invalidate(self._get_acl_cached, "acl", *cache_keys) return self._get_acl_cached(*cache_keys)
# NOTE: # Function arguments are required to generate caching keys by which cached elements will be retrieved. # Actual arguments are not needed as we employ stored objects in the instance. @cache_region("acl")
[docs] def _get_acl_cached(self, request_method, request_path, user_id): # noqa: F811 # type: (Str, Str, Optional[int]) -> AccessControlListType """ Cache this method with :py:mod:`beaker` based on the provided caching key parameters. If the cache is not hit (expired timeout or new key entry), calls :meth:`ServiceInterface.get_acl` to retrieve effective permissions of the requested resource and specific permission for the applicable service and user executing the request. .. seealso:: - :meth:`ServiceInterface.permission_requested` - :meth:`ServiceInterface.resource_requested` - :meth:`ServiceInterface.user_requested` """ permissions = self.permission_requested() if permissions is None: return [DENY_ALL] resource = self.resource_requested() if not resource: return [DENY_ALL] if not isinstance(resource, tuple): is_target = False else: resource, is_target = resource if not isinstance(permissions, (list, set, tuple)): permissions = {permissions} user = self.user_requested() return self._get_acl(user, resource, permissions, allow_match=is_target)
[docs] def _get_acl(self, user, resource, permissions, allow_match=True): # type: (models.User, ServiceOrResourceType, Collection[Permission], bool) -> AccessControlListType """ Resolves the resource-tree and the user/group inherited permissions into a simplified ACL for this resource. .. seealso:: - :meth:`effective_permissions` """ permissions = self.effective_permissions(user, resource, permissions, allow_match) return [perm.ace(self.request.user) for perm in permissions]
[docs] def _get_request_path_parts(self): # type: () -> Optional[List[Str]] """ Obtain the :attr:`request` path parts striped of anything prior to the referenced :attr:`service` name. """ path_parts = self.request.path.rstrip("/").split("/") svc_name = self.service.resource_name if svc_name not in path_parts: return None svc_idx = path_parts.index(svc_name) return path_parts[svc_idx + 1:]
[docs] def get_config(self): # type: () -> ConfigDict """ Obtains the custom configuration of the registered service. """ return self.service.configuration
[docs] def get_resource_permissions(cls, resource_type_name): # type: (Str) -> List[Permission] """ Obtains the allowed permissions of the service's child resource fetched by resource type name. """ for res in cls.resource_types_permissions: # type: models.Resource if res.resource_type_name == resource_type_name: return cls.resource_types_permissions[res] return []
[docs] def allowed_permissions(self, resource): # type: (ServiceOrResourceType) -> List[Permission] """ Obtains the allowed permissions for or under the service according to provided service or resource. """ if resource.resource_type == "service" and resource.type == self.service_type: return self.permissions return self.get_resource_permissions(resource.resource_type)
[docs] def effective_permissions(self, user, resource, permissions=None, allow_match=True): # type: (models.User, ServiceOrResourceType, Optional[Collection[Permission]], bool) -> List[PermissionSet] """ Obtains the effective permissions the user has over the specified resource. Recursively rewinds the resource tree from the specified resource up to the top-most parent service the resource resides under (or directly if the resource is the service) and retrieve permissions along the way that should be applied to children when using scoped-resource inheritance. Rewinding of the tree can terminate earlier when permissions can be immediately resolved such as when more restrictive conditions enforce denied access. Both user and group permission inheritance is resolved simultaneously to tree hierarchy with corresponding allow and deny conditions. User :term:`Direct Permissions` have priority over all its groups :term:`Inherited Permissions`, and denied permissions have priority over allowed access ones. All applicable permissions on the resource (as defined by :meth:`allowed_permissions`) will have their resolution (Allow/Deny) provided as output, unless a specific subset of permissions is requested using :paramref:`permissions`. Other permissions are ignored in this case to only resolve requested ones. For example, this parameter can be used to request only ACL resolution from specific permissions applicable for a given request, as obtained by :meth:`permission_requested`. Permissions scoped as `match` can be ignored using :paramref:`allow_match`, such as when the targeted resource does not exist. .. seealso:: - :meth:`ServiceInterface.resource_requested` """ if not permissions: permissions = self.allowed_permissions(resource) requested_perms = set(permissions) # type: Set[Permission] effective_perms = dict() # type: Dict[Permission, PermissionSet] # immediately return all permissions if user is an admin db_session = self.request.db admin_group = get_constant("MAGPIE_ADMIN_GROUP", self.request) admin_group = GroupService.by_group_name(admin_group, db_session=db_session) if admin_group in user.groups: # noqa return [ PermissionSet(perm, access=Access.ALLOW, scope=Scope.MATCH, typ=PermissionType.EFFECTIVE, reason=PERMISSION_REASON_ADMIN) for perm in permissions ] # level at which last permission was found, -1 if not found # employed to resolve with *closest* scope and for applicable 'reason' combination on same level effective_level = dict() # type: Dict[Permission, Optional[int]] current_level = 1 # one-based to avoid ``if level:`` check failing with zero full_break = False # current and parent resource(s) recursive-scope while resource is not None and not full_break: # bottom-up until service is reached # include both permissions set in database as well as defined directly on resource cur_res_perms = ResourceService.perms_for_user(resource, user, db_session=db_session) cur_res_perms.extend(permission_to_pyramid_acls(resource.__acl__)) for perm_name in requested_perms: if full_break: break for perm_tup in cur_res_perms: perm_set = PermissionSet(perm_tup) # if user is owner (directly or via groups), all permissions are set, # but continue processing this resource until end in case user explicit deny reverts it if perm_tup.perm_name == ALL_PERMISSIONS: # FIXME: # This block needs to be validated if support of ownership rules are added. # Conditions must be revised according to wanted behaviour... # General idea for now is that explict user/group deny should be prioritized over resource # ownership permissions since these can be attributed to *any user* while explicit deny are # definitely set by an admin-level user. for perm in requested_perms: if perm_set.access == Access.DENY: all_perm = PermissionSet(perm, perm_set.access, perm.scope, PermissionType.OWNED) effective_perms[perm] = all_perm else: all_perm = PermissionSet(perm, perm_set.access, perm.scope, PermissionType.OWNED) effective_perms.setdefault(perm, all_perm) full_break = True break # skip if the current permission must not be processed (at all or for the moment until next 'name') if not in requested_perms or != perm_name: continue # only first resource can use match (if even enabled with found one), parents are recursive-only if not allow_match and perm_set.scope == Scope.MATCH: continue # pick the first permission if none was found up to this point prev_perm = effective_perms.get(perm_name) scope_level = effective_level.get(perm_name) if not prev_perm: effective_perms[perm_name] = perm_set effective_level[perm_name] = current_level continue # user direct permissions have priority over inherited ones from groups # if inherited permission was found during previous iteration, override it with direct permission if perm_set.type == PermissionType.DIRECT: # - reset resolution scope of previous permission attributed to group as it takes precedence # - since there can't be more than one user permission-name per resource on a given level, # scope resolution is done after applying this *closest* permission, ignore higher level ones if prev_perm.type == PermissionType.INHERITED or not scope_level: effective_perms[perm_name] = perm_set effective_level[perm_name] = current_level continue # final decision for this user, skip any group permissions # resolve prioritized permission according to ALLOW/DENY, scope and group priority # (see 'PermissionSet.resolve' method for extensive details) # skip if last permission is not on group to avoid redundant USER > GROUP check processed before if prev_perm.type == PermissionType.INHERITED: # - If new permission to process is done against the previous permission from *same* tree-level, # there is a possibility to combine equal priority groups. In such case, reason is 'MULTIPLE'. # - If not of equal priority, the appropriate permission is selected and reason is overridden # accordingly by the new higher priority permission. # - If no permission was defined at all (first occurrence), also set it using current permission if scope_level in [None, current_level]: resolved_perm = PermissionSet.resolve(perm_set, prev_perm, context=PermissionType.EFFECTIVE) effective_perms[perm_name] = resolved_perm effective_level[perm_name] = current_level # - If new permission is at *different* tree-level, it applies only if the group has higher # priority than the previous one, to respect the *closest* scope to the target resource. # Same priorities are ignored as they were already resolved by *closest* scope above. # - Reset scope level with new permission such that another permission of same group priority as # that could be processed in next iteration can be compared against it, to resolve 'access' # priority between them. elif perm_set.group_priority > prev_perm.group_priority: effective_perms[perm_name] = perm_set effective_level[perm_name] = current_level # don't bother moving to parent if everything is resolved already # can only assume nothing left to resolve if all permissions are direct on user (highest priority) # if any found permission is group inherited, higher level user permission could still override it if (len(effective_perms) == len(requested_perms) and all(perm.type == PermissionType.DIRECT for perm in effective_perms.values())): break # otherwise, move to parent if any available, since we are not done rewinding the resource tree allow_match = False # reset match not applicable anymore for following parent resources current_level += 1 if resource.parent_id: resource = ResourceService.by_resource_id(resource.parent_id, db_session=db_session) else: resource = None # set deny for all still unresolved permissions from requested ones resolved_perms = set(effective_perms) missing_perms = set(permissions) - resolved_perms final_perms = set(effective_perms.values()) # type: Set[PermissionSet] for perm_name in missing_perms: perm = PermissionSet(perm_name, access=Access.DENY, scope=Scope.MATCH, typ=PermissionType.EFFECTIVE, reason=PERMISSION_REASON_DEFAULT) final_perms.add(perm) # enforce type and scope (use MATCH to make it explicit that it applies specifically for this resource) for perm in final_perms: perm.type = PermissionType.EFFECTIVE perm.scope = Scope.MATCH return list(final_perms)
[docs]class ServiceOWS(ServiceInterface): """ Generic request-to-permission interpretation method of various ``OGC Web Service`` (OWS) implementations. """ def __init__(self, service, request): # type: (models.Service, Request) -> None super(ServiceOWS, self).__init__(service, request) self.parser = ows_parser_factory(request) self.parser.parse(self.params_expected) # run parsing to obtain guaranteed lowered-name parameters @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def resource_requested(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def permission_requested(self): # type: () -> Permission try: req = str(self.parser.params["request"]).lower() perm = Permission.get(req) if perm is None: raise NotImplementedError("Undefined 'Permission' from 'request' parameter: {!s}".format(req)) return perm except KeyError as exc: raise NotImplementedError("Exception: [{!r}] for class '{}'.".format(exc, type(self)))
[docs]class ServiceWPS(ServiceOWS): """ Service that represents a ``Web Processing Service`` endpoint. """
[docs] service_type = "wps"
[docs] permissions = [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, # following don't make sense if 'MATCH' directly on Service, # but can be set with 'RECURSIVE' for all Process children resources Permission.DESCRIBE_PROCESS, Permission.EXECUTE,
[docs] params_expected = [ "service", "request", "version", "identifier",
[docs] resource_types_permissions = { models.Process: [ Permission.DESCRIBE_PROCESS, Permission.EXECUTE,
] }
[docs] def resource_requested(self): wps_request = self.permission_requested() if wps_request == Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES: return self.service, True if wps_request in [Permission.DESCRIBE_PROCESS, Permission.EXECUTE]: wps_id = self.service.resource_id proc_id = self.parser.params["identifier"] if not proc_id: return self.service, False proc = models.find_children_by_name(proc_id, parent_id=wps_id, db_session=self.request.db) if proc: return proc, True return self.service, False raise NotImplementedError("Unknown WPS operation for permission: {}".format(wps_request))
[docs]class ServiceBaseWMS(ServiceOWS): """ Service that represents basic capabilities of a ``Web Map Service`` endpoint. """ @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def resource_requested(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] permissions = [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, Permission.GET_MAP, Permission.GET_FEATURE_INFO, Permission.GET_LEGEND_GRAPHIC, Permission.GET_METADATA,
[docs] params_expected = [ "service", "request", "version", "layers", "layername", "dataset"
[docs]class ServiceNCWMS2(ServiceBaseWMS): """ Service that represents a ``Web Map Service`` endpoint with functionalities specific to ``ncWMS2`` . """
[docs] service_type = "ncwms"
[docs] resource_types_permissions = { models.File: [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, Permission.GET_MAP, Permission.GET_FEATURE_INFO, Permission.GET_LEGEND_GRAPHIC, Permission.GET_METADATA, ], models.Directory: [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, Permission.GET_MAP, Permission.GET_FEATURE_INFO, Permission.GET_LEGEND_GRAPHIC, Permission.GET_METADATA,
] }
[docs] def resource_requested(self): # According to the permission, the resource we want to authorize is not formatted the same way permission_requested = self.permission_requested() netcdf_file = None if permission_requested == Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES: # # VERSION=1.3.0&DATASET=outputs/ouranos/subdaily/aet/pcp/ if "dataset" in self.parser.params: netcdf_file = self.parser.params["dataset"] elif permission_requested == Permission.GET_MAP: # # TRANSPARENT=TRUE&ABOVEMAXCOLOR=extend&STYLES=default-scalar%2Fseq-Blues& # LAYERS=outputs/ouranos/subdaily/aet/pcp/ netcdf_file = self.parser.params["layers"] if netcdf_file: netcdf_file = netcdf_file.rsplit("/", 1)[0] elif permission_requested == Permission.GET_METADATA: # # layerName=outputs/ouranos/subdaily/aet/pcp/ netcdf_file = self.parser.params["layername"] if netcdf_file: netcdf_file = netcdf_file.rsplit("/", 1)[0] else: return self.service, False found_child = self.service target = False if netcdf_file: if "output/" not in netcdf_file: return self.service, False # FIXME: this is probably too specific to birdhouse... leave as is for bw-compat, adjust as needed netcdf_file = netcdf_file.replace("outputs/", "birdhouse/") db_session = self.request.db file_parts = netcdf_file.split("/") while found_child and file_parts: part = file_parts.pop(0) res_id = found_child.resource_id found_child = models.find_children_by_name(part, parent_id=res_id, db_session=db_session) # target resource reached if no more parts to process, otherwise we have some parent (minimally the service) target = not len(file_parts) return found_child, target
[docs]class ServiceGeoserverWMS(ServiceBaseWMS): """ Service that represents a ``Web Map Service`` endpoint with functionalities specific to ``GeoServer``. """
[docs] service_type = "geoserverwms"
[docs] resource_types_permissions = { models.Workspace: [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, Permission.GET_MAP, Permission.GET_FEATURE_INFO, Permission.GET_LEGEND_GRAPHIC, Permission.GET_METADATA,
] }
[docs] def resource_requested(self): permission = self.permission_requested() path_parts = self._get_request_path_parts() parts_lower = [part.lower() for part in path_parts] if parts_lower and parts_lower[0] == "": path_parts = path_parts[1:] parts_lower = parts_lower[1:] if parts_lower and parts_lower[0] == "geoserver": path_parts = path_parts[1:] parts_lower = parts_lower[1:] workspace_name = None if len(parts_lower) > 1 and parts_lower[1] == "wms": workspace_name = path_parts[0] if permission == Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES: # here we need to check the workspace in the path # /geoserver/wms?request=getcapabilities (get all workspaces) # /geoserver/WATERSHED/wms?request=getcapabilities (only for the workspace in the path) if not path_parts or "wms" not in parts_lower or (len(parts_lower) == 1 and parts_lower[0] == "wms"): return self.service, True else: # those two request lead to the same thing so, here we need to check the workspace in the layer # /geoserver/WATERSHED/wms?layers=WATERSHED:BV_1NS&request=getmap # /geoserver/wms?layers=WATERERSHED:BV1_NS&request=getmap if not workspace_name: layer_name = self.parser.params["layers"] or "" workspace_name = layer_name.split(":")[0] if not workspace_name: return self.service, False workspace = models.find_children_by_name(child_name=workspace_name, parent_id=self.service.resource_id, db_session=self.request.db) if workspace: return workspace, True return self.service, False
[docs]class ServiceAccess(ServiceInterface):
[docs] service_type = "access"
[docs] permissions = [Permission.ACCESS]
[docs] params_expected = []
[docs] resource_types_permissions = {}
[docs] def resource_requested(self): return self.service, True
[docs] def permission_requested(self): return Permission.ACCESS
[docs]class ServiceAPI(ServiceInterface): """ Service that provides resources per individual request path segments. """
[docs] service_type = "api"
[docs] permissions = models.Route.permissions
[docs] params_expected = []
[docs] resource_types_permissions = { models.Route: models.Route.permissions
[docs] def resource_requested(self): # type: () -> Optional[Tuple[ServiceOrResourceType, bool]] route_parts = self._get_request_path_parts() if not route_parts: return self.service, True route_found = route_child = self.service # find deepest possible resource matching sub-route name while route_child and route_parts: part_name = route_parts.pop(0) route_res_id = route_child.resource_id route_child = models.find_children_by_name(part_name, parent_id=route_res_id, db_session=self.request.db) if route_child: route_found = route_child # target reached if no more parts to process, otherwise we have some parent (minimally the service) route_target = not len(route_parts) and route_child is not None return route_found, route_target
[docs] def permission_requested(self): if self.request.method.upper() in ["GET", "HEAD"]: return Permission.READ return Permission.WRITE
[docs]class ServiceWFS(ServiceOWS): """ Service that represents a ``Web Feature Service`` endpoint. """
[docs] service_type = "wfs"
[docs] permissions = [ Permission.GET_CAPABILITIES, Permission.DESCRIBE_FEATURE_TYPE, Permission.GET_FEATURE, Permission.LOCK_FEATURE, Permission.TRANSACTION,
[docs] params_expected = [ "service", "request", "version", "typenames"
[docs] resource_types_permissions = {}
[docs] def resource_requested(self): return self.service, True # no children resource, so can only be the service
[docs]class ServiceTHREDDS(ServiceInterface): """ Service that represents a ``THREDDS Data Server`` endpoint. """
[docs] service_type = "thredds"
[docs] permissions = [ Permission.BROWSE, # for metadata access Permission.READ, # for file data access Permission.WRITE, # NOTE: see special usage of WRITE in docs
[docs] params_expected = [ "request"
[docs] resource_types_permissions = { models.Directory: permissions, models.File: permissions,
} def __init__(self, *_, **__): super(ServiceTHREDDS, self).__init__(*_, **__) self._config = None
[docs] def get_config(self): # type: () -> ConfigDict if self._config is not None: return self._config self._config = super(ServiceTHREDDS, self).get_config() or {} self._config.setdefault("skip_prefix", "thredds") self._config.setdefault("file_patterns", [".*\\.nc"]) self._config.setdefault("data_type", {"prefixes": []}) if not self._config["data_type"]["prefixes"]: self._config["data_type"]["prefixes"] = ["fileServer", "dodsC", "dap4", "wcs", "wms"] self._config.setdefault("metadata_type", {"prefixes": []}) if not self._config["metadata_type"]["prefixes"]: self._config["metadata_type"]["prefixes"] = [None, "catalog\\.\\w+", "catalog", "ncml", "uddc", "iso"] return self._config
[docs] def get_path_parts(self): cfg = self.get_config() path_parts = self._get_request_path_parts() skip_prefix = cfg["skip_prefix"] if path_parts and skip_prefix: full_path = "/".join(path_parts) skip_prefix = skip_prefix.lstrip("/").rstrip("/") if full_path.startswith(skip_prefix): path_parts = full_path.split(skip_prefix)[-1].split("/") return path_parts[1:] # remove extra '' added by split return path_parts
[docs] def resource_requested(self): path_parts = self.get_path_parts() # handle optional prefix as targeting the service directly if len(path_parts) < 2: return self.service, True path_parts = path_parts[1:] cfg = self.get_config() # find deepest possible resource matching either Directory or File by name found_resource = child_resource = self.service while child_resource and path_parts: part_name = path_parts.pop(0) # when reaching the final part, test for possible file pattern, otherwise default to literal value # allows combining different naming formats into a common file resource (eg: extra extensions) # if final part is a directory, still works because of literal value # directory name must match exactly, no format naming variants allowed # if final part is 'catalog.html' file, lookup would fail and fall back to previous directory part # since that would be the last part extracted, the parent directory will be matched as intended if not path_parts: for pattern in cfg["file_patterns"]: try: part_name = re.match(pattern, part_name)[0] break except (TypeError, KeyError): # fail match or fail to extract (depending on configured pattern) pass child_res_id = child_resource.resource_id child_resource = models.find_children_by_name(part_name, parent_id=child_res_id, db_session=self.request.db) if child_resource: found_resource = child_resource # target resource reached if no more parts to process, otherwise we have some parent (minimally the service) target = not len(path_parts) and child_resource is not None return found_resource, target
[docs] def permission_requested(self): cfg = self.get_config() path_parts = self.get_path_parts() path_prefix = None # in case of no `<prefix>`, simulate as `null` if path_parts: path_prefix = path_parts[0] for prefixes, permission in [ (cfg["metadata_type"]["prefixes"], Permission.BROWSE), # first to favor BROWSE over READ prefix conflicts (cfg["data_type"]["prefixes"], Permission.READ), ]: for prefix in prefixes: # type: Str if path_prefix is None and prefix is None: return permission try: path_prefix = re.match(prefix, path_prefix)[0] return permission except (TypeError, KeyError): # fail match or fail to extract pattern group pass return None # automatically deny
[docs]SERVICE_TYPE_DICT = dict()
for svc in [ServiceAccess, ServiceAPI, ServiceGeoserverWMS, ServiceNCWMS2, ServiceTHREDDS, ServiceWFS, ServiceWPS]: if svc.service_type in SERVICE_TYPE_DICT: raise KeyError("Duplicate resource type identifiers not allowed") SERVICE_TYPE_DICT[svc.service_type] = svc
[docs]def service_factory(service, request): # type: (models.Service, Request) -> ServiceInterface """ Retrieve the specific service class from the provided database service entry. """ ax.verify_param(service, param_compare=models.Service, is_type=True, http_error=HTTPBadRequest, content={"service": repr(service)}, msg_on_fail="Cannot process invalid service object") service_type = ax.evaluate_call(lambda: service.type, http_error=HTTPInternalServerError, msg_on_fail="Cannot retrieve service type from object") ax.verify_param(service_type, is_in=True, param_compare=SERVICE_TYPE_DICT.keys(), http_error=HTTPNotImplemented, content={"service_type": service_type}, msg_on_fail="Undefined service type mapping to service object") return ax.evaluate_call(lambda: SERVICE_TYPE_DICT[service_type](service, request), http_error=HTTPInternalServerError, msg_on_fail="Failed to find requested service type.")