import copy
import inspect
import re
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import requests
import six
from pyramid.authentication import IAuthenticationPolicy
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.request import Request
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid_beaker import set_cache_regions_from_settings
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse
from magpie.__meta__ import __version__ as magpie_version
from magpie.adapter.magpieowssecurity import MagpieOWSSecurity
from magpie.adapter.magpieservice import MagpieServiceStore
from magpie.api.exception import evaluate_call, raise_http, valid_http, verify_param
from magpie.api.generic import get_request_info
from magpie.api.schemas import SigninAPI
from import setup_magpie_configs
from magpie.compat import LooseVersion
from magpie.constants import get_constant
from import get_auth_config
from magpie.utils import (
# Twitcher available only when this module is imported from it.
# It is installed during tests for evaluation.
# Module 'magpie.adapter' should not be imported from 'magpie' package.
from twitcher.__version__ import __version__ as twitcher_version # noqa
from twitcher.adapter.base import AdapterInterface # noqa
from twitcher.owsproxy import owsproxy_defaultconfig # noqa
from twitcher.owsproxy import send_request # noqa # Twitcher >= 0.8.0
except ImportError:
# old reference provides unused extra arguments, but otherwise remain the same implementation
from twitcher.owsproxy import _send_request as send_request # noqa
"Older version of Twitcher detected. Using old references as fallback for backward compatibility support."
"Consider updating to a more recent version of Twitcher."
"Current package versions are (Twitcher: {}, Magpie: {})".format(twitcher_version, magpie_version),
if LooseVersion(twitcher_version) >= LooseVersion("0.6.0"):
from twitcher.owsregistry import OWSRegistry # noqa # pylint: disable=E0611 # Twitcher >= 0.6.x
if LooseVersion(twitcher_version) >= LooseVersion("0.9.0"):
"This Magpie version is not guaranteed to work with newer versions of Twitcher. "
"This Magpie version offers compatibility with Twitcher 0.6.x through 0.8.x."
"Current package versions are (Twitcher: {}, Magpie: {})".format(twitcher_version, magpie_version),
elif LooseVersion(twitcher_version) < LooseVersion("0.7.0"):
"This Magpie version offers more capabilities than Twitcher 0.6.x is able to provide. "
"Consider updating to more recent Twitcher 0.7.x to make use of new functionalities. "
"Current package versions are (Twitcher: {}, Magpie: {})".format(twitcher_version, magpie_version),
if LooseVersion(twitcher_version) < LooseVersion("0.6.0"):
"This Magpie version is not guaranteed to work with versions prior to Twitcher 0.6.x. "
"It is recommended to either use more recent Twitcher 0.6.x version or revert back "
"to older Magpie < 3.18 in order to use Twitcher 0.5.x versions. "
"Current package versions are (Twitcher: {}, Magpie: {})".format(twitcher_version, magpie_version),
if LooseVersion(twitcher_version) == LooseVersion("0.6.0"):
"Twitcher 0.6.0 exact version does not have complete compatibility support for MagpieAdapter. "
"It is recommended to either revert to Twitcher 0.5.x and previous Magpie < 3.18 version, "
"or use a higher Twitcher 0.6.x version. "
"Current package versions are (Twitcher: {}, Magpie: {})".format(twitcher_version, magpie_version),
from typing import Optional, Union
from pyramid.authentication import AuthTktCookieHelper
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from magpie.models import Resource
from import ServiceInterface as MagpieService
from magpie.typedefs import (
from twitcher.models.service import ServiceConfig # noqa # pylint: disable=E0611 # Twitcher >= 0.6.3
from import AccessTokenStoreInterface # noqa # pylint: disable=E0611 # Twitcher <= 0.5.x
LOGGER = get_logger("TWITCHER|{}".format(__name__))
def verify_user(request):
# type: (Request) -> HTTPException
Verifies that a valid user authentication on the pointed ``Magpie`` instance (via configuration) also results into a
valid user authentication with the current ``Twitcher`` instance to ensure settings match between them.
:param request: an HTTP request with valid authentication token/cookie credentials.
:return: appropriate HTTP success or error response with details about the result.
magpie_url = get_magpie_url(request)
def try_login():
# type: () -> Union[AnyResponseType, HTTPError]
params = dict(parse_qsl(urlparse(request.url).query))
if is_json_body(request.text) and not params:
return + SigninAPI.path, json=request.json, timeout=5,
headers={"Content-Type": CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, "Accept": CONTENT_TYPE_JSON})
return requests.get(magpie_url + SigninAPI.path, data=request.text, params=params, timeout=5)
except HTTPError as exc:
if getattr(exc, "status_code", 500) >= 500:
return exc
# must generate request metadata manually because Twitcher
# won't have Magpie's tween that builds it automatically
info = get_request_info(request)
resp = evaluate_call(lambda: try_login(),
http_error=HTTPServiceUnavailable, metadata=info,
content={"magpie_url": magpie_url}, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON,
msg_on_fail="Could not obtain response from Magpie to validate login.")
verify_param(resp.status_code, is_equal=True, param_compare=HTTPOk.code, param_name="status_code",
http_error=HTTPBadRequest, content={"response": get_json(resp)}, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON,
msg_on_fail="Failed Magpie login due to invalid or missing parameters.", metadata=info)
authn_policy = request.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy) # noqa
authn_cookie = authn_policy.cookie # type: AuthTktCookieHelper
cookie_name = authn_cookie.cookie_name
req_cookies = get_cookies(request)
resp_cookies = get_cookies(resp)
verify_param(cookie_name, is_in=True, param_compare=req_cookies, with_param=False,
http_error=HTTPUnauthorized, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
msg_on_fail="Authentication cookies missing from request to validate against Magpie instance.")
verify_param(cookie_name, is_in=True, param_compare=resp_cookies, with_param=False,
http_error=HTTPUnauthorized, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
msg_on_fail="Authentication cookies missing from response to validate against Magpie instance.")
twitcher_identity = authn_cookie.identify(request)
verify_param(twitcher_identity, not_none=True, with_param=False,
http_error=HTTPUnauthorized, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
msg_on_fail="Authentication failed from Twitcher policy.")
twitcher_user_id = twitcher_identity["userid"]
verify_param(twitcher_user_id, not_none=True, is_type=True, param_compare=int, with_param=False,
http_error=HTTPUnauthorized, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
msg_on_fail="Authentication failed from Twitcher policy.")
cookie_value = resp_cookies[cookie_name]
cookie_userid_type = cookie_value.split("!userid_type:")[-1]
cookie_decode = authn_cookie.userid_type_decoders[cookie_userid_type]
cookie_ip = "" # nosec: B104
result = authn_cookie.parse_ticket(authn_cookie.secret, cookie_value, cookie_ip, authn_cookie.hashalg)
magpie_user_id = cookie_decode(result[1])
verify_param(magpie_user_id, is_equal=True, param_compare=twitcher_user_id, with_param=False,
http_error=HTTPForbidden, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
msg_on_fail="Twitcher login incompatible with Magpie login.")
except HTTPException as resp_err:
return resp_err
except Exception:
return raise_http(HTTPForbidden, content_type=CONTENT_TYPE_JSON, metadata=info,
detail="Twitcher login incompatible with Magpie login.", nothrow=True)
return valid_http(HTTPOk, detail="Twitcher login verified successfully with Magpie login.")
class MagpieAdapter(AdapterInterface):
# pylint: disable: W0223,W0612
def __init__(self, container):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> None
self._servicestore = None
self._owssecurity = None
super(MagpieAdapter, self).__init__(container) # pylint: disable=E1101,no-member
def reset(self):
# type: () -> None
self._servicestore = None
self._owssecurity = None
def name(self):
# type: () -> Str
# pylint: disable=E1101,no-member
return # noqa
def describe_adapter(self):
# type: () -> JSON
return {"name":, "version": magpie_version}
def servicestore_factory(self, request):
# type: (Request) -> MagpieServiceStore
if self._servicestore is None:
self._servicestore = MagpieServiceStore(request)
return self._servicestore
def tokenstore_factory(self, request):
# type: (Request) -> AccessTokenStoreInterface
Unused token store implementation.
.. versionchanged:: 3.18
Available only in ``Twitcher <= 0.5.x``.
raise NotImplementedError
def owsregistry_factory(self, request):
# type: (Request) -> OWSRegistry
Creates the :class:`OWSRegistry` implementation derived from :class:`MagpieServiceStore`.
.. versionadded:: 3.18
Available only in ``Twitcher >= 0.6.x``.
return OWSRegistry(self.servicestore_factory(request))
def owssecurity_factory(self, request=None): # noqa # pylint: disable=W0221 # diff between Twitcher 0.5.x/0.6.x
# type: (Optional[AnySettingsContainer]) -> MagpieOWSSecurity
Creates the :class:`OWSSecurity` implementation derived from :class:`MagpieOWSSecurity`.
.. versionchanged:: 3.18
Method :paramref:`request` does not exist starting in ``Twitcher >= 0.6.x``.
if self._owssecurity is None:
self._owssecurity = MagpieOWSSecurity(request or self.settings)
return self._owssecurity
def owsproxy_config(self, container):
# type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> None"Loading MagpieAdapter owsproxy config")
config = self.configurator_factory(container)
owsproxy_defaultconfig(config) # let Twitcher configure the rest normally
def configurator_factory(self, container): # noqa: R0201
# type: (AnySettingsContainer) -> Configurator
LOGGER.debug("Preparing database session.")
settings = get_settings(container)
setup_cache_settings(settings) # default 'cache=off' if missing since 'pyramid_beaker' enables it otherwise
set_cache_regions_from_settings(settings) # parse/convert cache settings into regions understood by beaker
# load any settings or configuration file that could provide service hook definitions
# no need to register them since Magpie will have already done so
# since this code runs under Twitcher, it must know about Magpie's configuration
setup_providers=True, # obtain "" if any
# disable rpcinterface which is conflicting with postgres db
settings["twitcher.rpcinterface"] = False"Loading Magpie AuthN/AuthZ configuration for adapter.")
config = get_auth_config(container)
# add route to verify user token matching between Magpie/Twitcher
config.add_route("verify-user", "/verify", request_method=("GET", "POST"))
config.add_view(verify_user, route_name="verify-user")
return config
def _apply_hooks(self, instance, service_name, hook_type, method, path, query):
# type: (Union[Request, Response], Str, ServiceHookType, Str, Str, Str) -> Union[Request, Response]
Executes the hooks processing chain.
svc_config = self.settings.get("", {}).get(service_name, {})
svc_hooks = svc_config.get("hooks", [])
# copy to avoid (un)intentional modifications to configurations
svc_config = copy.deepcopy(svc_config)
svc_config["name"] = service_name # often useful reference, but not directly in definition since dict key
for hook_cfg in svc_hooks:
if hook_cfg["type"] != hook_type:
if hook_cfg["method"] not in ["*", method]:
hook_path = normalize_field_pattern(hook_cfg["path"], escape=False)
if not re.match(hook_path, path):
hook_query = normalize_field_pattern(hook_cfg["query"], escape=False)
if not re.match(hook_query, query):
hook_target = import_target(hook_cfg["target"], default_root=get_constant("MAGPIE_PROVIDERS_HOOKS_PATH"))
hook_qs = "?" + query if query else ""
if not hook_target:
LOGGER.warning("Hook matched %s (%s %s%s) but specified target [%s] could not be loaded.",
hook_type, method, path, hook_qs, hook_cfg["target"])
LOGGER.debug("Hook matched %s (%s %s%s) [%s]", hook_type, method, path, hook_qs, hook_cfg["target"])
signature = inspect.signature(hook_target)
kwargs = {}
if len(signature.parameters) > 1:
hook = copy.deepcopy(hook_cfg)
ctx = HookContext(instance, self, svc_config, hook)
for key, val in [("service", svc_config), ("hook", hook), ("context", ctx)]:
if key in signature.parameters:
kwargs[key] = val
instance = hook_target(instance, **kwargs)
except Exception as exc:
LOGGER.error("Hook failed %s (%s %s%s) [%s]",
hook_type, method, path, hook_qs, hook_cfg["target"], exc_info=exc)
raise exc
return instance
def _proxied_service_path(request):
# type: (Request) -> Str
Extract the request extra path of the proxied service without :term:`Twitcher` proxy prefix.
# employ the same parameter added by 'owsproxy_extra' view and used to call the proxied request
extra_path = request.matchdict.get("extra_path", "")
extra_path = "/" + extra_path if extra_path else ""
return extra_path
def request_hook(self, request, service):
# type: (Request, ServiceConfig) -> Request
Apply modifications onto the request before sending it.
.. versionadded:: 3.25
Requires ``Twitcher >= 0.7.x``.
Request members employed after this hook is called include:
- :meth:`Request.headers`
- :meth:`Request.method`
- :meth:`Request.body`
This method can modified those members to adapt the request for specific service logic.
request_path = self._proxied_service_path(request)
request = self._apply_hooks(
request, service["name"], "request",
request.method, request_path, request.query_string
return request
def response_hook(self, response, service):
# type: (Response, ServiceConfig) -> Response
Apply modifications onto the response from sent request.
.. versionadded:: 3.25
Requires ``Twitcher >= 0.7.x``.
The received response from the proxied service is normally returned directly.
This method can modify the response to adapt it for specific service logic.
request_path = self._proxied_service_path(response.request)
response = self._apply_hooks(
response, service["name"], "response",
response.request.method, request_path, response.request.query_string
return response
def send_request(self, request, service):
# type: (Request, ServiceConfig) -> Response
Send the request to the proxied service and handle its response.
.. versionadded:: 3.31
Requires ``Twitcher >= 0.8.x``.
Because requests are sometimes handled using :mod:`requests` depending on the service type, the ``request``
reference in the produced ``response`` is not always set. Ensure it is applied to allow :meth:`response_hook`
retrieving it when attempting to resolve the proxied service path.
response = send_request(request, service)
if response.request is None:
response.request = request
return response
class HookContext(object):
Context handlers associated to the request/response for the :term:`Service Hook` to be evaluated.
Dispatch calls to database or other derived operations *on demand* as much as possible to minimize the impact of
retrieving some parameters by each request that requires this hook context.
adapter = None # type: MagpieAdapter
request = None # type: Request
response = None # type: Optional[Response] # optional in case request hook (response not yet reached)
config = None # type: ServiceConfigItem # same as 'service' parameter that can be requested directly
hook = None # type: ServiceHookConfigItem # same as 'hook' parameter that can be requested directly
_service = None # type: Optional[MagpieService]
def __init__(self, instance, adapter, config, hook):
# type: (Union[Request, Response], MagpieAdapter, ServiceConfigItem, ServiceHookConfigItem) -> None
self.adapter = adapter
self.config = config
self.hook = hook
if isinstance(instance, Request):
self.request = instance
self.response = None
if isinstance(instance, Response):
self.response = instance
self.request = instance.request
def service(self):
# type: () -> MagpieService
Service implementation that defines the :term:`Resource` structure and :term:`Permission` resolution method.
if not self._service:
self._service = self.adapter.owssecurity_factory(self.request).get_service(self.request)
return self._service
def resource(self):
# type: () -> Resource
Database :term:`Resource` that represents the :term:`Service` reference implementation.
return self.service.service