#!/usr/bin/env python
Magpie additional typing definitions.
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import math
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union
from typing_extensions import Literal, NotRequired, TypeAlias, TypedDict
import six
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPException
from pyramid.registry import Registry
from pyramid.request import Request as PyramidRequest
from pyramid.response import Response as PyramidResponse
from requests.cookies import RequestsCookieJar
from requests.models import Request as RequestsRequest
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
from webob.headers import EnvironHeaders, ResponseHeaders
from webob.request import Request as WebobRequest
from webob.response import Response as WebobResponse
from webtest.app import TestRequest
from webtest.response import TestResponse
from ziggurat_foundations.permissions import PermissionTuple # noqa
from magpie import models
from magpie.api.webhooks import WEBHOOK_TEMPLATE_PARAMS, WebhookAction, WebhookActionNames
from magpie.permissions import Permission, PermissionSet
# pylint: disable=W0611,unused-import # following definitions provided to be employed elsewhere in the code
if six.PY2:
# pylint: disable=E0602,undefined-variable # unicode not recognized by python 3
Str = Union[AnyStr, unicode] # noqa: E0602,F405,F821
Str = str
Number = Union[int, float]
SettingValue = Union[Str, Number, bool, None]
SettingsType = Dict[Str, SettingValue]
AnyRegistryContainer = Union[Configurator, Registry, PyramidRequest, PyramidResponse]
AnySettingsContainer = Union[Configurator, Registry, PyramidRequest, PyramidResponse, SettingsType]
ParamsType = Dict[Str, Any]
CookiesType = Union[Dict[Str, Str], List[Tuple[Str, Str]]]
HeadersType = Union[Dict[Str, Str], List[Tuple[Str, Str]]]
AnyHeadersType = Union[HeadersType, ResponseHeaders, EnvironHeaders, CaseInsensitiveDict]
AnyCookiesType = Union[CookiesType, RequestsCookieJar]
AnyRequestType = Union[WebobRequest, PyramidRequest, RequestsRequest, TestRequest]
AnyResponseType = Union[WebobResponse, PyramidResponse, HTTPException, TestResponse]
CookiesOrSessionType = Union[RequestsCookieJar, Session]
AnyKey = Union[Str, int]
AnyValue = Union[Str, Number, bool, None]
_JSON = "JSON" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
_JsonObjectItemAlias = "_JsonObjectItem" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
_JsonListItemAlias = "_JsonListItem" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
_JsonObjectItem = Dict[str, Union[AnyValue, _JSON, _JsonObjectItemAlias, _JsonListItemAlias]]
_JsonListItem = List[Union[AnyValue, _JSON, _JsonObjectItem, _JsonListItemAlias]]
_JsonItem = Union[AnyValue, _JSON, _JsonObjectItem, _JsonListItem]
JSON = Union[Dict[str, Union[_JSON, _JsonItem]], List[Union[_JSON, _JsonItem]], AnyValue]
GroupPriority = Union[int, Type[math.inf]]
UserServicesType = Union[Dict[Str, Dict[Str, Any]], List[Dict[Str, Any]]]
ServiceOrResourceType = Union[models.Service, models.Resource]
PermissionDict = TypedDict("PermissionDict", {
"name": Str,
"access": Optional[Str],
"scope": Optional[Str],
"type": Optional[Str],
"reason": Optional[Str]
}, total=False)
# recursive nodes structure employed by functions for listing children resources hierarchy
# {<res-id>: {"node": <res>, "children": {<res-id>: ... }}
_ResourceNode = "ResourceNode" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
NestedResourceNodes = Dict[int, _ResourceNode]
ResourceNode = TypedDict("ResourceNode", {
"node": ServiceOrResourceType,
"children": NestedResourceNodes
}, total=True)
ResourcePermissionMap = Dict[int, List[PermissionSet]] # raw mapping of permission-names applied per resource ID
ServiceResourceNodeTree = Dict[Str, ResourceNode]
NestingKeyType = Literal["children", "parent"]
# recursive nodes structure employed by functions for listing children resources hierarchy
# {<svc-name>: {"resource_type": "<res>", "children": {<res-id>: ... }}
_NestedResourceTypeTree = "NestedResourceTypeTree" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
NestedResourceTypeTree = TypedDict("NestedResourceTypeTree", {
"resource_type": Str,
"children": Dict[Str, _NestedResourceTypeTree],
}, total=True)
ServiceResourceTypeTree = Dict[Str, NestedResourceTypeTree]
_NestedRemoteResourceTree = "NestedRemoteResourceTree" # type: TypeAlias # pylint: disable=C0103
NestedRemoteResourceTree = TypedDict("NestedRemoteResourceTree", {
"remote_id": int,
"resource_type": Str,
"resource_display_name": NotRequired[Str],
"children": Dict[Str, _NestedRemoteResourceTree],
}, total=True)
RemoteResourceTree = Dict[Str, NestedRemoteResourceTree]
AnyNestedChildrenTree = Union[
AnyZigguratPermissionType = Union[
AnyPermissionType = Union[Permission, PermissionSet, PermissionDict, AnyZigguratPermissionType, Str]
ResolvablePermissionType = Union[PermissionSet, AnyZigguratPermissionType]
AnyAccessPrincipalType = Union[Str, Iterable[Str]]
AccessControlEntryType = Union[Tuple[Str, Str, Str], Str]
AccessControlListType = List[AccessControlEntryType]
TargetResourceRequested = Tuple[ServiceOrResourceType, bool]
MultiResourceRequested = Union[None, TargetResourceRequested, List[TargetResourceRequested]]
PermissionRequested = Optional[Union[Permission, Collection[Permission]]]
ResourceTypePermissions = Dict[Type[models.Resource], List[Permission]]
AnyRequestMethod = Literal[
"head", "get", "post", "put", "patch", "delete",
# note:
# For all following items 'Settings' suffix refer to loaded definitions AFTER resolution.
# When 'Config' suffix is used, it instead refers to raw definitions BEFORE resolution.
WebhookPayload = Union[JSON, Str]
# items that are substituted dynamically in the payload during webhook handling (eg: {{user.name}})
WebhookTemplateParameters = TypedDict("WebhookTemplateParameters", {
param: AnyValue for param in WEBHOOK_TEMPLATE_PARAMS
WebhookConfigItem = TypedDict("WebhookConfigItem", {
"name": Str,
"action": WebhookActionNames,
"method": AnyRequestMethod,
"url": Str,
"format": Str,
"payload": WebhookPayload
}, total=False)
# registered configurations
PermissionAction = Literal["create", "remove"]
PermissionConfigItem = TypedDict("PermissionConfigItem", {
"service": Str,
"resource": Optional[Str],
"type": Optional[Str],
"user": Optional[Str],
"group": Optional[Str],
"permission": Union[Str, PermissionDict],
"action": Optional[PermissionAction],
}, total=False)
GroupConfigItem = TypedDict("GroupConfigItem", {
"name": Str,
"description": Optional[Str],
"discoverable": bool, # must use 'asbool' since technically a bool-like string from config
}, total=False)
UserConfigItem = TypedDict("UserConfigItem", {
"username": Str,
"password": Optional[Str],
"email": Optional[Str],
"group": Optional[Str],
}, total=False)
ServiceHookType = Literal["request", "response"]
ServiceHookConfigItem = TypedDict("ServiceHookConfigItem", {
"type": ServiceHookType,
"path": str,
"query": Optional[str],
"method": AnyRequestMethod,
"target": str
}, total=True)
# generic 'configuration' field under a service that supports it
ServiceConfiguration = Dict[Str, Union[Str, List[JSON], JSON]]
ServiceConfigItem = TypedDict("ServiceConfigItem", {
"name": Optional[Str], # injected in some cases from parent dict key
"url": Str,
"title": Str,
"type": Str,
"sync_type": Optional[Str],
# must use 'asbool' since technically a bool-like string from config
"public": bool,
"c4i": bool,
"configuration": Optional[ServiceConfiguration],
"hooks": Optional[List[ServiceHookConfigItem]]
# individual sections directly loaded from config files (BEFORE resolution)
ServicesConfig = Dict[Str, ServiceConfigItem] # only section already formatted the same way as resolved settings
PermissionsConfig = List[PermissionConfigItem]
GroupsConfig = List[GroupConfigItem]
UsersConfig = List[UserConfigItem]
WebhooksConfig = List[WebhookConfigItem]
# when loaded from multiple distinct configuration files, but fetching only a specific section
# they are never mixed together in this case, so use distinct list per section
MultiConfigs = Union[ # see as 'OneOf' below list
# combined configuration of respective sections above all within the same file (config.yml)
CombinedConfig = TypedDict("CombinedConfig", {
"providers": Optional[ServicesConfig],
"permissions": Optional[PermissionsConfig],
"users": Optional[UsersConfig],
"groups": Optional[GroupsConfig],
"webhooks": Optional[WebhooksConfig],
}, total=False)
# mappings after loading of multiple files for relevant sections (AFTER resolution)
PermissionsSettings = Dict[Str, PermissionConfigItem]
ServicesSettings = Dict[Str, ServiceConfigItem]
GroupsSettings = Dict[Str, GroupConfigItem]
UsersSettings = Dict[Str, UserConfigItem]
WebhookSettings = Dict[WebhookAction, List[WebhookConfigItem]] # many webhooks aggregated by action
AnyResolvedSettings = Union[PermissionsSettings, ServicesSettings, GroupsSettings, UsersSettings, WebhookSettings]